How to Start Fashion Blogging and Make them Famous

How to Start Fashion Blogging and Make them Famous

 Now you want to know how to start a fashion blog, Derp? Hence I have bring good news for you. Fashion blogs are enormous  right now.

This post is not exactly about starting fashion blogs. I’m going to tell you some step by step tips for creating any blog in any niche and making sure you do it correctly.

Yes, and if you genuinely  want to know how to start a fashion blog this post will probably blow your  socks off!

The Greatest Part?

You can construct a fashion blog that genuinely helps people out there by concentration on equality, virtuous clothing labels, and knowing young people form more healthy opinions about their body and sources of self-Respect .

Disclosure and quick interruption – I started my first blog on Bluehost and have now partnered with them to get you a big discount rate. If you purchase hosting through one of the links on this post I’ll earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. They are a great place to start and I’m happy to promote them!
How to start a fashion blog: you need some guts!

Let’s not sugar coat anything here – blogging is hard work.

And if you truly do want to start a fashion blog you are entering a niche that is so crowded and cramped you will struggle to even find room to breathe.

The same goes for blogs about blogging, travel blogs, music blogs, sport blogs and probably sexy ones.

The competition and the noise is endless.

But there is good news and that is that 95% of those blogs really suck.

I mean they REALLY suck.

This leaves you with an opportunity to do something amazing and awesome and special but, like the paragraph header says, you need some guts. You are going to have to make this work by being smart and different. If you’re not prepared to do that then you may as well stop right here.

So now what?

Remember: this post uses fashion blogging as an example but can apply to almost any other niche.

The basic steps needed to start a fashion blog

© Bowie15

Now that we’ve got the scary learn-the-hard-way-grasshopper lessons out of the way we can get into some practical matters. Knowing how to start a fashion blog and make it truly awesome means following these basic steps (there’s more detail afterwards):

Get a sick domain name and your own host
Please, please, please don’t start your blog on Tumblr or Blogger. Those things are promotional tools for your main blog or website. If you want to truly grow a brand and make a business out of your fashion blog you want your own domain name and blog hosting in order to start a WordPress blog. Most of the best sites do it this way.
Find out why you are fabulous first
As I said in the intro-mumbo-jumbo, you really need to know why you are different. There are millions of fashion blogs out there and unless you do something differently you are going to get lost in all the noise. You don’t want that.
Publish the most incredible (ethical) content your brain can manage
Once your blog is all set up and running don’t just publish thing stuff that you type out in five minutes and hit publish. Blogging is hard work. Sometimes I take two or three days to write one blog post. You have to make your brain work and really try to help people.
Network, network, network
Make friends. Lots of them. Make friends with your readers and make friends with other bloggers that are already way more awesome than you and might be able to give you a helping hand. This means growing a mailing list and it means being active on places like Google+.
And now you are successful and famous!

Well, not quite.

Let’s get into a little bit more detail about all those points.

Vital step: Why you need your own blog host to start a rockin’ fashion blog

© Johanjk

I’ve written this stuff in a few blog posts now but it is just so important and we constantly see people get it so wrong that I need to keep saying it.

A free blog is not a good solution
If you want to start a blog that will eventually become a business then you need to get your own domain name and web host.


Because that blog is


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